this video is made with the new xf 70-300 mm lens with xt4 you may check out my review and more pictures here
this video is made with the new xf 70-300 mm lens with xt4 you may check out my review and more pictures here
I am sure everyone have heard about this latest lens from Fujifilm Its the GF 45-100 mm f4.. Thanks to Fujifilm Singapore, I was able to use this preproduction set during my workshop in Jiangnan, China in Dec 2019 I have always loved my GF110mm lens. And occasionally, I do use the GF100-200mm, GF23mm and…
In collaboration of the web series ( you can read about it here) , Fujifilm, together with X photographer William Chua… presents the participant’s photos taken during their trip to 5 different locations. Myanmar, India, China, SriLanka & Madagascar. Come by Fujifilm Studio at Suntec to Vote for your favorite picture. The photo with…
Fabulous videos and stills. I’m sold!